*sniffing you*

HIIII!!!! i'm capitan, i go by a lot of different names and i love them all equally. you can call me mark (which i go by the most), capitan, sam, hennenberry, and kirigiri! im a girlboy poster on the internet and a loser off of it ♥ i'm really really into minecraft (specifically animation vs. minecraft right now) and digital hoarding! i hoard pretty much everything i like >:]

i'm very very into magpie-style collecting of shiny things. i'm a hoarder of shinies both digitally and analogously!! (is that a word?) i am an avid enjoyer of everything bad and average at best. i will defend the 2010s top 40 charts until i die, and i am proud of my mediocrity in almost every hobby i have. i cheat at video games no matter how much fun it sucks out of the game for me. people who prefer winter over summer pls gtfo my page


i'm running out of things to write ;; Sed sit amet purus sapien. Sed porttitor vel enim sit amet aliquam. Aenean ornare nisi et viverra venenatis. Sed at sem nunc. Nulla vel ipsum odio. Integer hendrerit dui id enim porta, in dapibus elit sollicitudin.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum et orci sit amet nunc fringilla rutrum. Aliquam finibus ipsum nec orci dignissim, id luctus dolor semper. Phasellus dictum mauris ut neque molestie hendrerit. Vestibulum at neque purus. Cras est sapien, ultricies ut vulputate id, pellentesque malesuada arcu. Vestibulum efficitur quam in elit cursus vehicula. Praesent in tellus nisl. Vestibulum a massa lorem. Phasellus placerat velit sed feugiat pharetra.


what the fuck is going on
